UPBS (CUBS – Classes III–V Boys)

There are 202 boys in Cubs Wing.


A special meet for Peace March was conducted in the M.P Hall where the Principal addressed the gathering by conveying the significance of peace. The March was conducted by the Cubs students and teachers. They carried banners and recited slogans to give attention to this subject. Tress were also planted inside the school campus.

Cubs Class Activities

Corniche Cleaning

A cleaning awareness campaign was held in October 2019 by the Cubs and Teachers in Khobar Corniche.  The Principal addressed the Cubs by motivating to clean our surroundings. Cubs took care of the Corniche by cleaning out the waste and plastic materials.

Outdoor Camp

An Outdoor Camp was held 18th January 2020 by the Cubs and Teachers in Khobar Corniche.  The Cubs enjoyed with various games and took part in cleaning of the Corniche.

Jubail Camp

Jubail Outdoor Camp was held on 1st Feb 2020 by the Cubs and Teachers in Jubail Corniche.  The Cubs enjoyed with various games and took part in Camp Fire and Cubs Classes was held by Teachers.